Successfull event at Audubon
The Connecticut Audubon Society turns 45! The celebration on September 24th 2016 was a real success.
For the occasion, they launched officially the new fundraising with the creation of AudubonBons by BE Chocolat. Version:1.0 StartHTML:000000215 EndHTML:000002278
Four flavors of imported Belgian chocolates, handcrafted in Fairfield for The Connecticut Audubon Society by Master Chocolatier Benoit Racquet.
Chocolate available in the store.
For the event, part of the auction, BE Chocolat offered a master piece creation made for the 45th anniversary.
Unique chocolate piece by BE Chocolat part of the auction September 24th, 2016.
The lucky winner of the chocolate creation !
Proceeds help support The Connecticut Audubon Society conservation and environmental education programs.